Wyrmrest Accord Wiki

Idonis wears his long ebony hair in a long foxtail with a neatly trimmed goatee and moustache. He looks to stand roughly five and a half feet in height, weight somewhere around one-hundred and sixty pounds and be about twenty-one years of age. The many pouches hanging from his belt and the wand tucked there suggest that he is a wielder of the arcane.


Early Childhood

Idonis grew up as the only child of a wealthy merchant in the Trade District of Stormwind City. When he was very young it was discovered that he had a particular talent for spellcraft and he was enrolled in the Stormwind Academy of Arcane Arts & Sciences. During the second war his mother and father where killed in the siege of stormwind and for this reason he harbor's an intense hatred of both Orcs as well as demons.

Early Adulthood

Having finished his studies at the academy Idonis set out to make his way in the world, beginning his adventures in Elwynn Forest and encountering the Defias Brotherhood several times, he soon decided to investigate the actions of the Defias more closely and headed to Westfall after hearing that could possibly be where their base of operations was located.

Recent Activity

During his travels Idonis has been aided by several other adventurers and together some of them, eventually founded the Eldritch Blades Adventuring Company. The Blades are an unusual mix of scholors and warriors, all of good heart and all commited to rooting out threats to the mortal races of Azeroth and dispatching them, before harm comes to anyone. Recently Idonis has hooked back up with his old mentor and teacher the Archmage Korwynn Fairhaven, after a bit of discussion it was decided by Idonis to pass leadership of the guild to Korwynn's much more experianced and capable hands.


"When in doubt.... Melt it's face first, ask questions later."

See also[]

External links[]

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