Wyrmrest Accord Wiki

Asturias is a Vulpera nomad, martial artist, and member of the Black Sun Marauders. She is known for having chosen a life separate from her family, clan, and people. A staunch nihilist, she has unchained herself from the anchors of Azeroth and has honed an ability to fade into chi mists and replicate herself into weaker, emerald misty forms.

While her beliefs may be questionable, she is not indiscriminately distant to the outside world. While she does believe she is no longer tethered to the physical realm and does believe she achieved some sort of enlightenment, Asturias still views herself as an exemplar to her people: a notion people criticize her due to her philosophy. It's this reason why she refers to herself as a moral nihilist as oppose to a traditional one, though, this claim isn't intrinsically literal to her either. Regardless, her innate ability to conjure chi-images of herself and disappear/reappear through thick chi clouds has earned her the nickname the Emerald Desert.

She is currently associated with the Black Sun Marauders under the leadership of Talim and acts as a spiritual leader and healer of the bandit group, however, her association isn't official. She teeters on the outskirts of membership and has become somewhat of an enigma for the group with how rare she reveals herself.
