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Denfehlath Zephyrwise is the director the Tirisfal Theatre Troupe, a spellbreaker, and a relic hunter by trade.

Physical Description[]

Denfehlath is a short, toned elf. Her muscle tone is steadily becoming stronger, and she is now able to stand tall and strong under her title of Valarjar - she holds her two blades as if they were extensions of herself, and her pride radiates from her alongside the power of her blessing. In addition to this, her former magical abilities as a mage and current martial prowess with a greatsword are not to be underestimated - recompense, one could suppose, her previously thin frame and underwhelming height.

Denfehlath has red hair which curls down just past her waist and is pushed back over her forehead most times. It tends to fall in her eyes when she doesn’t pay attention. It seems to be well-kept most of the time, save for when she pulls it back into a ponytail or leaves it braided over her shoulder during some of her adventures and other excavations into the world.

Denfehlath is described as having a calculating expression, with a small frown despite the near-constant curiosity and joy in her eyes. 

Denfehlath’s hands, while frequently gloved, can be seen as scarred (not too heavily, but definitely at a noticeable level) with small burns and cuts, and her fingertips are thick with calluses, built over time for her work as a spellbreaker.

Other scars mottle her face - acid burns, spattered across her right cheek and past the bridge of her nose, cause her right eye to be slightly paler than the other. More often than not, those particular scars are concealed with a minor glamour spell. A thick, deep-set scar runs across her lips diagonally - she brandishes this one with pride, and will speak on it if asked. Though, these days, the burns seem to have healed away, the only difference being a slight sheen to her skin in the sunlight where the tissue was changed.

She is covered in various piercings and tattoos - a golden cloud serpent winds around her left arm from shoulder to elbow. A bolt of frostfire streams down her right thigh. The Kirin Tor emblem, made intricate with various elven decorations and careful shading, covers her upper back. Her hands are outlined between fingers with a thin black line. She has a few hoops and studs in each ear, and small, plain black plugs rest within each lobe.


Denfehlath has established herself as highly social, friendly and warm to any who approach her as director of the Troupe. When approached either on casual business or when she is working with the Highblades or Reliquary, she is distinctly colder and more apt to be seen in a professional light.

Where she once had a hot temper, she is cool-headed and friendly. As she would put it, wisdom came with learning and her ventures with the Sunfire Seekers until her departure, and various near-death experiences in Draenor and beyond as a soldier only tempered that.

She keeps her social circle small, and has a limited range of those she trusts, if only to protect her family after what one could only define as a rocky past (if being generous) - desperately attempting to prove herself trustworthy to the Sunborne Highblades, she’s pulling out all the cards from her sleeves and showing raw determination, valor, and cunning to accomplish the tasks at hand.

Recent changes in her family and the return of her brother, Oriphane, has made her more fiercely protective of her friends and family than ever - with the Legion on Azeroth’s soil and the Fourth Wa, it’s brought out a side of her she never truly knew she had, and her interactions with the vrykul and Valarjar have imbued her with a deep-rooted sense of honor and duty to the frontlines.


The following is an account of Denfehlath's history as played from 2013 onwards.

Early History[]

Denfehlath’s history is shrouded in shadow and purposefully-hidden detail - one could suspect that she did well to cover her own tracks and try and avoid any prying whatsoever. Upon deeper inquisition, it’s revealed that she is an extremely private person, and prefers to leave the past where it was as opposed to reopening old wounds.

She trained as a mage in Eversong Woods starting at the fresh age of twelve - her training extended until she was fifty-six years of age, and she ventured out into the world on her own terms, enlisting in the Kirin Tor and serving as a combat mage and student of magical law for the one-hundred and ten years to follow.

When the Sunwell fell and Eversong was ravaged, Denfehlath parted ways with the Kirin Tor in favor of returning home - finding her father missing and her mother ill, the mage did everything she could to make her mother’s days comfortable and her nights easy to bear. Her mother passed months after, and Denfehlath resumed her role as a combat mage - this time, under Silvermoon’s contract.

Such a history is easy to tell, from there - all of the events that Azeroth’s modern heroes have seen (the invasion of Outland, the Northrend Campaign, etc.) can be told from her perspective as well - though most of her services were as a researcher and not a front-lines fighter.

Modern Day[]

Pandaria to Legion[]

Around the middle of the Pandaria campaign, Denfehlath joined a group called the Sunfire Seekers, led by a Nucifara Bladesinger - she served as a novice under a warlock (whose name will not be mentioned, lest her identity be compromised) and rose through the ranks, eventually finding a place as a Councillor within the group.

When turmoil rose with the beginnings of the Draenor campaign, Denfehlath sought it fit to depart from the Seekers - she did so quietly and quickly, and walked as an adviser to a captain within the Horde’s army, Cadrius Hawkarrow, until his disappearance. Nucifara, as far as Denfehlath knew or could expect, had labeled her as an oathbreaker, and had erased Denfehlath’s name from all records and mention.

During the Draenor campaign, Denfehlath stayed by Cadrius’ side, fighting in battles to defend the Horde’s values and her homeworld. When Cadrius disappeared, Denfehlath found herself alone in the world - she roamed Draenor, serving the Horde’s primary campaign to the best of her ability until she was instructed to return home. She spent the rest of the campaign living quietly, in some desperate wish to blend in and disappear.

Loss of magic and subsequent training[]

The events in Draenor came to a head as she found company in an old friend, Anuari Ebonvale - he was a monk, a magister whose mana had been ripped from him during the campaign against the Lich King, Arthas, and his undead Scourge. Anuari gave Denfehlath solace and enabled her to return to some sense of normalcy, and his use of chi enabled her to find harmony in the midst of absolute chaos.

The fel corruption that Denfehlath had suffered from during the corruption of the Sunwell was threatening to kill her, now, having spread to her heart after years of spellcasting and dabbling into deeper power from the fel. She found herself tempted by demonic whisperings of the Legion’s power, and, afraid, sought help from Doctor Exili Harrowlight, a trusted clinician and mender of the Light.

With time, Denfehlath underwent intense treatment and rehabilitation to purge the corruption within. However, this involved removing the bulk of her magical ability in the process. The mana extracted was purified and grafted into Anuari, and he found himself newly restored and capable of tapping, once more, into the arcane. He is currently working with the Silvermoon court to restore his title of Magister.

After this, finding herself feeling weak and nigh-useless, Denfehlath turned to Eradrys Warren, training continuously for nearly a year to truly master the art of being a spellbreaker - she now carries a greatsword on her back and a newfound loyalty and pride in her heart, seemingly finally settled into where she was always meant to be.

Events of Legion and Battle for Azeroth[]

The Legion struck, and Denfehlath was ready - she moved out with the Horde frontlines, falling to severe injury on the Broken Shore. Called like many other warriors by the Valkyr, she rose to the Halls of Valor, pledging herself as Valarjar to Odyn and returning to her duties as a protectorate of Azeroth itself. Having been purified by the Valkyr, Denfehlath found herself completely unable to use magic - any ability she had retained had held onto corruption from the fel, something not tolerated by her new calling. She continued her fight regardless, constantly working to become stronger yet and see the downfall of the Legion’s evil once and for all.

Denfehlath was on the Eastern Kingdoms’ mainland when she saw the skies break and Argus appear. From that point forward, she pushed herself harder than ever to ensure the safety of her people from the ground - knowing she may not return from Argus to her life on Azeroth was too much of a price to pay for the warrior, and she continued to execute Odyn’s will in a more local setting. When Argus disappeared and was replaced with the red star, she returned home - relieved, for once, that she would have the opportunity to bond with her family again and reconnect with those she once knew.

In recent days, when not in Quel'thalas, she has reunited with her old friend Atos Sunhart and has stepped up as an actress once more under the banner of the Tirisfal Theatre Troupe. Performing wherever and whenever she can, she lended her aid as an acrobat, thespian and interim director while Atos went away on business with the Alliance following the destruction of the Burning Legion. Upon his return, Denfehlath resumed a role as producer to the troupe, keeping content in the backstage shadows to serve as Atos’ right hand, counsel and, at times, check to his expansive genius.

Denfehlath has avoided the Zandalari campaign, wanting to resume a life of calm and composure. She has recently been passed the title of the Troupe’s Director, with Atos announcing his retirement. She threw herself into the work the job required, going on a half-year hiatus to study, develop new ideas and return to her trade as a relic hunter in order to prepare herself for the days to come.

Upon her return, the Tirisfal Theatre Troupe organized and held the Starlight Soirée, a grand celebration of the arts, the Lunar Festival, and the Troupe's new season. She now frequents social events across Azeroth in order to promote the Troupe and connect with other performers and socialites across both factions' circles.


"The world needs people like us. Fighters. The ones that don't have anything to lose. I'm just scared that, one day, that may change for me. My luck's gotta run out eventually." -Denfehlath, prior to the assault on the Broken Shore

"I would like to welcome you all to the Troupe's first event since our return, and thank you sincerely for your attendance. May you always find your light!" (during the opening ceremony of the Starlight Soirée)


Denfehlath raised and trained with her golden cloud serpent, Zhudong, during the height of the Pandaria campaign. As a result, their bond is incredibly close and she would gladly die defending him during a fight.

Denfehlath has two children, Nymarrah and Ethyniel.

It is rumored that Denfehlath was once known for only being able to cast entirely useless charms as a young mage - for instance, Cure Halitosis in Undead.

External Links[]

Zephyrwise's Armory Page

Denfehlath's tumblr
