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Kavdryn has only recently returned from Outland. Though it is not fully seen physically, mentally Kavdryn carries many scars; the scars that come from following a mad man to another world, fighting battles for that mad man, and killing so many for that same mad man. While he is a Blood Knight, he wears the rank with a heavy heart for what he accepts as his crime of naivety. He seeks only to redeem himself and to wear, again, his rank of Blood Knight Master; to impart his skills and knowledge to those wishing to learn. First, though, he must find himself again after having fought for so long to attempt to right so many wrongs on Draenor in the service of a former prince and to add to the right he has done alongside his Scryer brethren in the service to the Light.

Physical Description[]

Kavdryn is of a typical height for his race, although after years of field battle his body is toned and muscular. He is quite quick, limber, and deft in his movements with any weapon he wields. Wearing fitted armor of fel iron he is a tempest on the battlefield, yet quick to yield to reason even in the heat of battle.

Kavdryn's eyes, once the green color of Fel, have taken on the golden hue starting to be seen more on his kind. Occasionally, though, a slight hint of fel green will flicker through his orbs then typically vanish with an angry blink. His golden hued hair has faded to an almost white, as if he has not been beneath golden sunlight in quite a few years. He wears no adornments aside from his armor and weapon; nothing to show anything of a familial connection nor to make it seem as if he has any personal connection to much of anything.


Kavdryn appears to be quiet and reserved from afar; however, when you are up close to him you get the sense of a storm about to build to a tempest. While not projecting a feeling of being approachable he will respond if directly engaged. Kavdryn carries himself as though prepared for something to happen, yet casual when engaged in conversation, though his eyes are constantly searching and attentive.

Kavdryn is tired. Physically and mentally tired. It shows, even though he wants to project a readiness and calm, he rarely pulls it off unless he is about to enter battle. He wasn't always this way, part of him yearns to return to those feelings that he must have had before leaving home to fight a seemingly unwinnable war.


Kavdryn was born to a minor noble house. He is one of eleven children to parents, though nobles, kept apart from the main society. The Suncaller Clan kept to their family estates; cultivating rare berries and grapes that were sold to neighboring vineyards to be included as a part of the various wine making processes utilized throughout the region. The family raised many other singularly unique strains of crops to be used by other estates in the making of their various products. While their estate was well regarded for its exports, nothing left the estate with any Suncaller seal that would tie their crops back to them; they were content knowing that their crops were utilized in some of the most well known products shipped throughout the region. Kavdryn's parents, though sociable, kept their children apart so as to not get caught up in the hustle-and-bustle of anything closely relating to court life. The Suncaller family estate was popular amongst their close kin, so much so that in addition to Kavdryn's siblings, several cousins were sent to live on the estate, so in a sense, Kavdryn was raised with close to twenty siblings.

At times, Kavdryn felt invisible, yet more often than not all of the children enjoyed all of their various activities together. Learning the history of their race, studying the various farming techniques utilized on the estate, delving into magics and physical combat akin to the training of warriors. Typical educational fare for a family at their station. As Kavdryn continued to grow and learn, his yearning for more began to take hold, so much so that he pushed himself beyond the learning and training of some of his siblings in the hopes that he would some day catch up to his older, seemingly more capable, older siblings.

Kavdryn was heartbroken when his two oldest brothers left the estate, with the full blessing of their parents, to adventure out into the greater portions of Quel'Thalas. Kavdryn's oldest brother had taken very much to the bow and had a special affinity for befriending the wild animals near their estate, so wished to explore and train further away from the family estate; ranging far and wide to bring fanciful stores back home. The next oldest brother had tested very well and was called to Silvermoon; he was to train with The Magisters with the expected hope to become a full Mage within the city for the Royal Family. Kavdryn watched his older siblings continue to test well and either be called to The Magisters or Priests for additional training.

Sadly, though, several of his siblings were called up to join the Royal Guard to then never return home. Word reached the Suncaller Estate of war. Horrible things were taking place far beyond their home, with only small scraps of news reaching the estate, but enough to induce a drive in more of Kavdryn's siblings and cousins to push to leave to go forth and serve their region, their country.

Time continued to pass. Years going by slowly. Studies continued. Farming continued. Kavdryn yearned to do more. Less and less communication arrived from his family that had gone forth to do more. Kavdryn pushed himself harder to learn more. He wished to tap further into the affinity his family had to call forth fire, to wield it, and to put it to use in their farming, but more importantly to fight and protect. Eventually Kavdryn was tested and called up to an apprenticeship with The Magisters. He was finally going to do it; get away from the family estate and make his name known within the Suncaller Clan. Kavdryn wished to be recognized of his own accord, not just the little brother following in his older brothers footsteps.

As Kavdryn arrived at Silvermoon, the unthinkable happened; the city was attacked and the Sunwell was destroyed. Kavdryn, as well as everyone else, was lost, despondent at the seeming loss of his future. The hopes, dreams, and desires were simply gone. In the aftermath of the destruction Kavdryn was there in the crowds to see their Prince return; Kael'Thas Sunstrider had returned home to correct the great evil done to their race. How could anyone or anything survive without their beloved Sunwell?

Kavdryn did what he had always done; he followed. His Prince commanded a regiment to leave from Silvermoon to find a way to fix the great evil done to them. Kavdryn sent word home to his parents and was aghast at the response, "Come home now. Your place is here." Destroying the message he made his way to join up with Kael'Thas and do what he knew to be right; he would prove his worth and help the cause to fix the great wrongs done to their race and country. Without hesitation Kavdryn went to Draenor.

Kavdryn fought. He killed. He destroyed. He lost himself in the constant struggle to serve his prince. His anger grew, his love of anything lost itself in the continued battle and strife of his new world; his body became stronger while his affinity for his family calling as a Suncaller waned. The magisters within the contingent forced him out of their ranks, citing his lack of magic wielding and his anger; they suggested he, with his fel green eyes, join up with demon loving Warlocks. Kavdryn scoffed and pointed out that their eyes were no different color of fel from his own; what he could not do was deny the other charges against him. So, he left. Disillusioned with his place in all of this; this broken and shattered world, serving a mad man. Kavdryn travelled from Netherstorm, where he had lived, for lack of a better term; perhaps existed is better? Eventually he found his way out of Netherstorm into Blade's Edge Mountains and within sight of Zangarmarsh his life changed.

Kavdryn, with the last bit of himself that he could summon, saved a group of his kind from death. The fire leapt from his hands, destroying Naga after Naga and their beasts. The waters boiled, the screams filled the air as he let everything out to the point of nearly burning himself out. Finally every Naga and beast within site was either dead or dying and Kavdryn collapsed. If he had died there he would have welcomed it and been joyous. He had finally acted to save his kind, rather than kill the droves of his kind that had sought to stop his former prince, the mad man. Unbeknownst to him, Kavdryn had just saved the forward regiment of an The Scryer led army on their way to end the rule of Kael'Thas and his brother was amongst them.

Kavdryn has now been fighting a new fight in the service of The Scryers; rid Outland of the forces of his former prince. Kavdryn's elder brother spoke in his defense and worked to help him recover himself. Kavdryn found a piece of himself slowly returning and accepted the decree of his brother to no longer wield their family magic as a Suncaller; it was to be his penance for his lack of judgement and Kavdryn willingly accepted the sentence. Kavdryn then sought to dedicate himself to the Light, to bring judgement down on those that had wronged so many and to wipe all trace of his former prince from his new home. Kavdryn fought, trained, studied, learned, and strove to prove to his brothers that he now fought alongside that he could be a Suncaller of note. Eventually he learned that he truly needed to prove it to himself and he felt the love of his brothers embolden him, even as they were called upon to do greater things back on their own world. He tearfully watched them go, waving off their invitations to join them and continue the fight back home; Kavdryn knew that he was where he needed to be as his new mission was far from over.

Kavdryn took to his new mission with a vengeance. The Light filled him as he worked to rid Outland of the madness that he himself had helped to usher in. He rose through the ranks, finally accepting the title of a Blood Knight after receiving word from his brothers that it was no longer spoken of with contempt back home. Eventually Kavdryn reached the rank of Master, imparting his knowledge to other Paladins so that they could continue the fight. Kavdryn would travel all of Outland, bringing the Light to those areas that needed it most and doing his part to rid his new home of the lingering madness.

More years had passed and Kavdryn found that his place was no longer on the battlefield. Word from his brothers finally convinced him that his skills were needed back on their own world, in service to their people to bring the Light where it was needed on Azeroth. What Kavdryn had not counted on though was the Fel he still felt within him as he called for the Light; thinking to rid himself of it required being home, he accepted the word of his brothers and took the offered portal so many of his kind had previously taken and he went home to hopefully find his way back home.


• Aldon - (Green) Armored Wind Rider


"Fight true. Fight to the last."


• Regrets his familial departure to follow a mad man; now seeks redemption.

External Links[]

|| Kavdryn's Armory Page || rpfind.me Profile ||
